Acid-resistant concrete
A new technology to save you time and
Anthony Oswald, Jr., Vice President, ZeoTech Corporation, Cherry Hill,
New Jersey
Every year plants spend millions of dollars repairing or replacing failed
concrete.The corrosive environment in many plants subjects concrete to
attack from a wide range of acids and alkalis. In addition, fuel oils and
chlorinated hydrocarbon based products, while not always corrosive, must
be contained and prevented from passing through the concrete and entering
into soil or ground water. Repair, replacement , and high-remediation costs
for a failed system can be astronomical.
portland cement concrete has very little resistance to acids and salts.
Acids readily attack the calcium-based binder in portland cement. This
leaves behind nothing more than weakly-bound aggregates.
Because standard concrete is porous, non-corrosive chemicals pass through
it easily contaminating the concrete itself and the ground below. Once
this happens, replacement costs soar when the concrete must be removed.
The cost to dispose of contaminated concrete and the contaminated soil
around it continues to rise. Even when contaminated concrete can be repaired,
the required, extensive surface preparation also is costly and owners
incur disposal costs for a certain amount of debris.
A wide variety of coating and linings systems are available to protect
concrete. The alternatives include thin-film coatings, filled and reinforced
monolithics, membranes, acid brick, polymer concretes, and sheet or molded
liners made of rubber or plastics.
Because standard concrete is porous,
non-corrosive chemicals pass through it easily contaminating the concrete
itself and the ground below.
Generally, most of the coating and lining systems are epoxy, vinyl ester,
polyester urethane, furan, or silicate-based. The liners, for the most
part, are natural or synthetic rubbers, polyvinylchloride, plastic, or
FRPs based on a variety of resins.
The cost for these systems varies tremendously depending upon surface
preparation, plant conditions, and available downtime. Even on new work,
the cost ranges from only a few dollars per square foot to $30.00 or more
per square foot. Repair work may be even higher.
Now, a breakthrough in concrete technology for precast structures eliminates
many of these problems. Scientists at Drexel University developed a high
performance, acid and corrosion resistant concrete that is completely free
of portland cement.
The chemistry of this material is unique since it contains no portland
cement. The process combines a silicate solution and a chemical activator
with Class F fly ash, sand, and lime-free aggregate. The result is a high-performance
concrete having a dense, impermeable microstructure with excellent resistance
to most corrosive solutions.
The chemical reaction that takes place during the formation of this
material is a polymerization reaction that creates a stone-- like matrix
with the strength and durability of naturally occurring elements.
The interaction of the sand and stone particles with the binder paste--fly
ash, silicate, and the alkaline activator--cause the dense structure. The
result is a material structure that is mechanically and chemically resistant
to aggressive environments. Portland cement concrete has a greater degree
of porosity and a binder system that does not resist chemical attack.
New path to old technology
The basic silicate chemistry of this system is not new. Silicate-based
cements, mortars, refractories, and concretes have a long history of use
in aggressive environments.
Power plant chimneys, scrubbers, acid containment vessels, and high-temperature
refractory applications in refineries and power plants are only a few of
the applications that use silicate-based products.
The chemical and temperature resistance of silicates is far superior,
not only to portland cement, but to epoxies, vinyl esters, polyesters,
urethanes, and furans. It is also superior to other calcium-based products
such as calcium aluminate cements. The main drawback to their use has always
been cost that ranges up to $1,000 per ton.
This new technology provides the advantages of silicate chemistry without
the high cost. The patented process
allows existing manufacturing plants--precasters--to produce high-performance,
cementitious structures comparable in price to portland cement structures
with reasonably good lining systems. However, with this new technology,
instead of a thin, corrosion resistant barrier protecting concrete that
is easily susceptible to damage, the entire mass of the structure is corrosion
resistant. Concerns about seams that can break open or disbondment are
no longer issues. Further, mechanical damage that destroys the integrity
of a lining system is also of very little concern. A chip or gouge in this
concrete only exposes more concrete with the same physical and chemical
properties as the surface.
If a precaster cast the tank on
a Friday, it would be fully cured in 24 hours with a compressive strength
of 7,900 psi.
Structures produced with this advanced concrete material are manufactured
under controlled conditions. Experienced production management teams assist
precast plants, using conventional mixing, placing, and forming equipment.
Production management works with the precaster for optimum use of existing
plant assets and modification where necessary. This ensures rigid quality
control--something that is not always possible with structures that require
additional measures for corrosion protection.
When installing protective lining systems, many variables determine
the quality and effectiveness of any given system. Some of these critical
factors are surface preparation, temperature--both ambient and substrate--
moisture, seam or joint irregularities, pinholes, thickness variations,
and curing of both the concrete and the lining system. If difficulties
occur in any of these areas, the lining system can be rendered useless
and the concrete comes under attack.
One can eliminate this problem with the use of acid resistant concrete.
Once a structure is precast with the silicate-based material and cured,
it requires no additional measures for protection and is ready for immediate
use. There are no delays waiting for concrete to cure or waiting for linings
to be applied and cured.
For example, consider the following application. Suppose an owner specified
a chemical waste tank of precast, portland cement concrete with an epoxy
liner. The nominal tank dimensions are 9' x 9' x 7'5" deep and would weigh
approximately 15.7 tons. This design is for holding a variety of acids
and other chemicals, including concentrated sulfuric acid, caustic cavities,
solvents, and phosphoric acid.
Typically, a general contractor would have this tank precast at a local
precaster's plant, have it shipped to the jobsite, set the tank in place,
and connect it. After the concrete cured properly, a specialty contractor
would tent in the tank, sand blast the tank, apply 1/8 inch of specified
epoxy lining system, and allow it to cure.
The time required for this is considerable. A precaster can cast a tank
in 1 day, it takes 28 days to cure the concrete before installing an epoxy
lining. Shipping, site installation, and hook up of the tank requires 3
to 4 days. Then, typically the lining contractor needs 3 to 4 days to apply
the epoxy followed by 7 days at 70 degrees F to cure the epoxy fully before
opening the tank for service. In the meantime, since this new tank replaces
an original waste sump and goes in the same location, a temporary sump
has to be put into service.
a structure is precast with the silicate-based material and cured, it requires
no additional measures for protection and is ready for immediate use.
An alternate approach
If engineers and owners review their options, they will find that silicate-based
concrete provides more chemical resistance than the epoxy.
Further, an alternate proposal for precasting the same tank of silicate-based,
acid resistant concrete eliminates both the portland cement concrete and
the epoxy lining and much of the time.
With the alternate tank system, the time line for completion of the
project can be reduced significantly. If a precaster cast the tank on a
Friday, it would be fully cured in 24 hours with a compressive strength
of 7,900 psi. To lend credence to the this example, we'll impress a three-day
rain delay on the contractor and make him wait until Thursday to install
the tank. Tank hook-up can be completed on the following Monday.
Despite rain delays and weekends this tank installation requires only
11 days to complete. If need be, a tank such as this can be manufactured
and installed in 4 to 5 days. The use of this technology in acid resistant
concrete allows a general contractor to shorten the schedule required for
this tank replacement by at least 30 days.
This means projects can move forward with minimal downtime, much to
the relief of owners and engineers. Also, waste disposal now can operate
normally and temporary sumps can be eliminated a month sooner than anticipated
when using conventional precast units. The unique properties of this patented
concrete enables plants to save money and shorten their construction schedule.
The superior chemical resistance of this silicate-based product make
it an easy choice for chemical resistance. The rapid strength gain and
cure allow tanks to be installed and opened to service immediately. Lining
systems become unnecessary, yet the life expectancy of these tanks is greatly
increased and this concrete does not require maintenance. In many ways
plants receive far more for their money than they expect. Instead of 1/8
inch of corrosion protection, they now have eight inches of total acid
resistance. The costs are lower and projects can be completed in a fraction
of the time.
This material is ideal for waste disposal structures in both industrial
and municipal waste. Piping, trenches, manholes, sumps, storage tanks,
containment tanks, lift stations--in short, any precast concrete structure
that requires corrosion protection or high strength is an ideal candidate
for this material.
Copyright June 1998
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