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Food Processing Top 100 rankings (1 ~ 25)

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The thing about the Top 100--anybody's Top 100--is that the top 25 companies seldom change. They may flip-flop positions here and there, but for the most part, they are the iron fist at the top of the pyramid and pretty much dictate the ebb and flow of the marketplace.

Ranking methodology
The Top 100 Food Companies are ranked by food and beverage sales reported at the end of the most recent fiscal year. Total sales for each company are also listed when that number differs from the food/beverage sales total.

Companies were asked to exclude from food/beverage sales any income generated by fast-food, restaurant or foodservice subsidiaries and divisions.

Rankings sometimes required estimating food/beverage sales based on available information. There are several companies we have reason to believe would qualify for the Top 100 that are not listed for lack of reliable information about food sales.

If this list contains inaccuracies or omissions, we invite you to bring them to our attention. Data for this report were compiled by Ann Meyer, with assistance from Bob Messenger and Mary Ellen Kuhn.

For example, in this year's FOOD PROCESSING Top 100 rankings, Philip Morris Cos. still has the loudest bark among the food and beverage industry's big dogs, thanks to a stable of major players that includes Kraft Foods, Oscar Mayer and Miller Brewing, which account for 1997 food and beverage sales of nearly $28 billion. Nipping at the tobacco and food giant's heels is another formidable competitor, ConAgra Inc., with 1997 sales of $24 billion.

These two companies have ruled the No. 1 and 2 positions for several years now, and are likely to continue their dominance for the foreseeable future. What could change in the next year or two is the No. 1 position, with Philip Morris under constant stress on the bottom line from its controversy-plagued tobacco business (leaving some unpredictability to fester) and an aggressive ConAgra only a stone's throw from the throne if PM stumbles or ConAgra grows through acquisition in 1998.

A couple of major events have taken place that will transform the top 25, but only from an administrative perspective.

The death of fifth-ranked Coca-Cola Co.'s powerful and talented chairman and CEO, Roberto Goizueta, this past October was a major blow to the soft drink giant. By his will and his creative flair, Goizueta turned Coke into a dangerous and constantly evolving competitor, one that archrival PepsiCo (No. 4) has struggled to match, at least in a global sense.

Early on, Goizueta recognized that the United States was practically tapped out when it came to envisioning new growth opportunities for Coke. Not that Goizueta would ignore the U.S. marketplace, but he quickly understood that the best opportunities for double-digit growth would come in the world's developed and developing markets. And he launched the beverage industry equivalent of a worldwide blitzkrieg designed to position Coke as the global kingpin of soft drinks.

It worked. Today, Pepsi is working hard to catch up as an international presence, but it is also preoccupied in what it perceives as a life and death battle with Coca-Cola for bragging rights in the United States. Under Goizueta, Coke applied pressure up and down the line.

He is going to be missed in Atlanta.

Another significant development in 1997 was the not-so-unexpected announcement that William Smithburg, Quaker Oats' long-time chairman and CEO, would retire. It's a pretty safe bet to think that Smithburg had no other options, since he never did bring the company back from its disastrous $1.7 billion Snapple acquisition. That deal took him out, but not before leaving behind a trail of management casualties who individually and collectively were unable to successfully merge the Snapple business into Quaker's beverage culture, which included the lucrative Gatorade franchise. It was an unnecessary and crippling exodus of talent because Snapple never was a good fit for Quaker.

In late October, Smithburg finally departed, and his surprising replacement would change the elite management structure at two Top 100 firms. Robert Morrison, the man at the top of Philip Morris' Kraft Foods subsidiary, was chosen as the new chairman and CEO of Quaker, while former Oscar Mayer boss Robert Eckert assumed the controls at Kraft. Both men are considered bright and talented leaders, but Morrison's task may be the more challenging: Return Quaker to its pre-Snapple positioning as a well-focused, well-managed, and profitable Top 100 performer.

In the name-change department, CPC International, perhaps tired of its role as the strong, silent type whose products are well known while its corporate image is not, is now called Bestfoods. --Bob Messenger

1 Philip Morris Cos. Inc.
Address: 120 Park Ave., New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 880-5000
Fax: (212) 878-2167
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: Geoffrey Bible; COO: William Webb; Chmn. and CEO, Miller Brewing Co.: John MacDonough; Chmn. & CEO, Kraft Foods: Robert Eckert; Pres. and CEO, Kraft Foods International: John Bowlin; Pres., Oscar Mayer Foods: Rick Searer

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Kraft Foods Inc., Kraft Food International, Oscar Mayer Foods Corp., Miller Brewing

Brands: Kraft, Jello-O, Kool-Aid, Grape-Nuts, Louis Rich, Lunchables, Maxwell House, Miracle Whip, Oscar Mayer, Philadelphia, Taco Bell, Tombstone, Velveeta 

2 ConAgra Inc.
Address: One ConAgra Drive, Omaha, NE 68102-5001
Phone: (402) 595-4000
Fax: (402) 595-4707
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: Philip Fletcher; Vice Chmn. and Pres.: Bruce Rohde; Pres., ConAgra Frozen Foods: Jim Smith; Dir. R&D, ConAgra Frozen Foods: Gary Jarvis; VP Product Development, ConAgra Frozen Foods: Jim Seiple; Pres. and COO, ConAgra Refrigerated Foods Cos.: Leroy Lochmann; Pres. and COO, ConAgra Grocery Products Cos.: David Gustin; Pres. and COO, ConAgra Trading and Processing Cos.: Thomas Manuel; Pres. and COO, ConAgra Agri-Products Cos.: Floyd McKinnerey; CFO: James O'Donnell

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Beatrice Cheese Co., Butterball Turkey Co., ConAgra Poultry Co., ConAgra Red Meat Cos., ConAgra Frozen Foods, Hunt Foods Co., Knott's Berry Farm Foods, LaChoy/Rosarita Foods, Orville Redenbacher/Swiss Miss Foods Co., Arrow Industries, ConAgra Shrimp Co., Lamb-Weston

Brands: Healthy Choice, Banquet, Butterball, Hunt's Wesson, Van Camp's, Orville Redenbacher, Armour, Peter Pan, Knott's, La Choy 

3 Cargill Inc.
Address: 15407 McGinty Road West, Wayzata, MN 55391-2399
Phone: (612) 742-7575
Fax: (612) 742-7393
Web site:
Executives: Chmn., Pres. and CEO: Ernest S. Micek; Vice Chmn., CFO and Pres., North America: Robert L. Lumpkins; EVP and Pres., Food Sector: F. Guillaume Bastiaens; EVP and Pres., Trading Sector: David W. Raisbeck; EVP and Pres., Latin America and Animal Nutrition and Meat Sectors: Warren R. Staley; Pres., Asia/Pacific Sector: Daniel R. Huber; VP, General Counsel and Secretary: James D. Moe; VP and Chief Technology Officer: Ronald L. Christenson; VP and Controller: Edward J. Toth; VP, Worldwide Cargill Foods and Procurement: Tyrone K. Thayer; Treasurer: William W. Veazey 
4 PepsiCo Inc.
Address: 700 Anderson Hill Road,
Purchase, NY 10577-1445
Phone: (914) 253-2000
Fax: (914) 253-2070
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: Roger Enrico; Vice Chair and CFO: Karl von der Heyden; Chmn. & CEO, Pepsi-Cola Co.: Craig Weatherup; SVP, Marketing, Pepsi-Cola Co.: Jeffrey Campbell; VP, Flavors, Pepsi-Cola Co.: David Burwick; Manager, R&D, Pepsi-Cola Co.: Valerie Jacklin; Dir., Cola Product Develop., Pepsi-Cola Co.: Victoria De La Huerga; Pres. and CEO, Pepsi-Cola North America: Phil Marineau

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Pepsi-Cola North America, Frito-Lay, Frito-Lay International, Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.

Brands: Chee-tos, Doritos, Fritos, Grandma's Cookies, Lay's, Ruffles, Sunchips, Tostitos, Sunchips, Pepsi, 7Up, Mountain Dew, Slice 

5 The Coca-Cola Co.
Address: One Coca-Cola Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30313
Phone: (404) 676-2121
Fax: (404) 676-6792
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. & CEO: M. Douglas Ivester; Chief Marketing Officer: Sergio Zyman; Pres., Coca-Cola Foods: H.E. Teasley Jr.; Pres. and CEO, Minute Maid Co.: Ralph Cooper; CFO: James E. Chestnut; Dir., Corp. R&D: Dan Dennison; Manager, R&D: Mike Malone; Manager, Supplier Div.: Thomas Leitch; VP, Marketing: Frank Bifulco Jr.; Dir., Global Purch.: Norma Moore

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Coca-Cola Foods, Minute Maid Co.

Brands: Coca-Cola, Sprite, Barq's, Fanta, Fresca, Mello Yello, Mr. PiBB, Surge, TAB, Bacardi, Bright & Early, Five Alive, Fruitopia, Georgia, Hi-C, Minute Maid, Nestea, PowerAde 

6 Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Address: 4666 Faries Parkway, P.O. Box 1470,
Decatur, IL 62525
Phone: (217) 424-5200
Fax: (217) 424-5447
Web site:
Executives: Pres. and CEO: G. Allen Andreas; EVP: Charles Bauless; SVP: Martin Andreas; VP, CFO: Douglas Schmalz; VP, R&D: John Long

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Agri Industries, Tabor Grain Co., Fleischmann Malting Co., American River Transportation Co., Collinwood Grain Inc., Gooch Foods, ADM Animal Health and Nutrition Division, ADM BioProducts Division, ADM Cocoa Division, ADM Corn Processing Division, ADM Food Additives Division, ADM Food Oils Division 

7 Mars Inc.
Address: 6885 Elm St., McLean, VA 22101-3810
Phone: (703) 821-4900
Fax: (703) 448-9678
Executives: CEO and Co-Pres.: Forrest E. Mars Jr.; Co-Pres.: John F. Mars; VP and Treasurer: V.J. Spitaleri; Director, New Business Development, Licensing, and Strategic Alliances for M&M/Mars: Paul Lieberman; Director, Marketing, M&M's: Michael Tolkowsky

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Kal Kan Foods Inc., M&M/Mars, Uncle Ben's Inc.

Brands: M&M's, Mars, Milky Way, Dove, Starburst, Snickers, Kal kan, Pedigree, Sheba, Whiska, Uncle Ben's, Combos, Kudos, Twix 

8 IBP Inc.
Address: IBP Ave., P.O. Box 515,
Dakota City, NE 68731-0515
Phone: (402) 494-2061
Fax: (402) 241-2068
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: Robert Peterson; Pres. and COO: Richard Bond; Pres., Fresh Meats: Gene Leman; Pres., IBP Enterprises: Larry Shipley

Subsidiaries, Divisions: IBP International, Foodbrands America, The Bruss Co., Lakeside Farm Industries, PBX Inc.

Brands: IBP Supreme Lean, IBP Supreme Trim, Doskocil, Wilson Foodservice, Wilson's Continental Deli, American Favorite, Posada, Marquez, Butcher Boy, TNT Crusts, Rotanelli's, Fred's, Little Juan 

9 Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc.
Address: One Busch Place, St. Louis, MO 63118
Phone: (314) 577-2000
Fax: (314) 577-4900
Executives: Chmn. and Pres.: A.A. Busch III; EVP, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer: J.E. Ritter; Dir., New Product Development: Gregg Billmeyer; VP, Marketing: Dave English

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Anheuser-Busch Inc., Anheuser-Busch International, Busch Agricultural Resources Inc., Busch Entertainment Corp.

Brands: Budweiser, Michelob, Busch, Natural Light, King Cobra, Elk Mountain, Red Wolf, O'Douls 

10 Bestfoods
(formerly CPC International)
Address: International Plaza, P.O. Box 8000, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632-9976
Phone: (201) 894-4000
Fax: (201) 894-2186
Executives: Chmn., Pres. and CEO: Charles R. Shoemate; EVP, Strategic Planning and Business Development: Robert Gillespie; CFO: Konrad Schlatter; VP, Pres. of Bestfoods Foodservice Group, Best Foods Division: Michael Bevilacqua; VP, Pres., Bestfoods Grocery Products Group, Best Foods Division: Lawrence Hathaway; VP, Chmn. and CEO, Bestfoods Baking Business: Bernard Kastory; VP, Pres., Best Foods Division: Axel C.A. Krauss

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Best Foods, S.B. Thomas, Arnold Foods Co., California Manufacturing Co., Henri's Food Products Co., Entenmann's

Brands: Hellman's, Best Foods, Henri's, Mazola, Skippy, Arnold, Brownberry, Boboli, Sahara, Thomas', Entenmann's, Knorr 

11 H.J. Heinz Co.
Address: 600 Grant St., Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: (412) 456-5700
Fax: (412) 237-7883
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: Anthony J.F. O'Reilly; Vice Chmn.: Joseph Bogdanovich; Pres. and COO: William Johnson; CFO: Paul Renne; EVP, Heinz Pet Products and Starkist: Daniel O'Neill

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Heinz USA, Heinz Pet Products, Weight Watchers Food Co., Ore-Ida Foods Inc., Heinz Bakery Products, Star-Kist Foods Inc.

Brands: Heinz, Budget Gourmet, Earth's Best, Ore-Ida, Star-Kist, Tater Tots, Weight Watchers, 9 Lives, Amore, Cycle, Gravy Train, Ken-L-Ration, Kibbles 'n Bits, Meaty Bones, Nature's Recipe 

12 RJR Nabisco Inc.
Address: 7 Campus Drive, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Phone: (973) 682-5000
Fax: (973) 503-2153
Web site:
Executives: Chmn., Pres. and CEO: H. John Greeniaus; EVP and CFO: James Healey; EVP, Pres., Nabisco U.S. Foods Group: Douglas Conant; EVP, Nabisco International: Christopher Coughlin; EVP, Pres., Nabisco Biscuit Co.: James Postl; EVP, Research: Sandra Peterson; Pres., Specialty Products Co.: Daryl Brewster; Pres., LifeSavers Co.: Sharon Fordham; Pres., Nabisco Tablespreads Co.: James Goldman; Pres., Planters Co.: Wynn Willard

Subsidiaries, Divisions: LifeSavers Co., Nabisco Biscuit Co., Nabisco Tablespreads Co., Planters Co., Specialty Products Co.

Brands: Oreo, Chips Ahoy!, SnackWell's, Premium, Ritz, Triscuit, Wheat Thins, Blue Bonnet, Fleischmann's, Parkay, Planters, A.1 Steak Sauce, Eggbeaters 

13 Campbell Soup Co.
Address: Campbell Place, Camden, NJ 08103-1799
Phone: (609) 342-4800
Fax: (609) 342-3878
Web site:
Executives: Chmn., Pres. and CEO: Dale Morrison; SVP/CFO: B.L. Anderson; Corp. VP/Pres., U.S. Grocery Division: Mark Leckie; VP, Marketing: Sally Robling

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Godiva Chocolatier Inc., Pepperidge Farm Inc., Sanwa Foods Inc., Arnotts Ltd., Fresh Start Bakeries, Greenfield Healthy Foods Co. (Swanson Frozen Foods and Vlasic Foods units will be spun off in 1998.)

Brands: Campbell's, Pepperidge Farm, Swanson, Pace, Goldfish, Hungry-Man, Franco-American, Prego, Open Pit, Vlasic, Marie's, Godiva 

14 Sara Lee Corp.
Address: 3 First National Plaza,
Chicago, IL 60602-4260
Phone: (312) 726-2600
Fax: (312) 726-3712
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: John Bryan; Pres.: C. Steven McMillan; CFO and SVP: Judith Sprieser; CEO, U.S. Foods Group: Jim Carlson; Pres. and CEO, Bessin Corp.: Bob Weisman; CEO, Bil Mar Foods: George Chivari; Pres. and CEO, Bryan Foods: John Bryan III; Pres. and CEO, Gallo Salami: Richard Armstrong; Pres. and CEO, Hillshire Farm & Kahn's: William Geoppinger; Pres. and CEO, Hygrade Food Products and Seitz Foods: Greg Sykes; Pres. and CEO, Jimmy Dean Foods: Bob Kopriva; Pres. and CEO, King Cotton Foods: George Brown; Acting General Manager, Ozark Salads: Rick Benward; Pres. and CEO, State Fair Foods: Jim Hooks; Pres. and CEO, Sara Lee Bakery North America: Richard Armstrong

Brands: Sara Lee, Wolferman's, Ball Park, Best's Kosher, Bil Mar, Bryan, Gallo Salami, Hillshire Farm, Kahn's, Hygrade, Jimmy Dean, King Cotton, Mr. Turkey, Rudy's Farm, Seitz, Sinai 48, State Fair 

15 Nestle U.S.A.
Address: Nestle USA, 800 N. Brand Blvd.,
Glendale, CA 01203
Phone: (818) 549-6000
Fax: (818) 549-6952
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: Joe Weller; Pres. and COO: Robert Schult; EVP/CFO: Peter Argentine; EVP, Technical and Manufacturing: Martin Holford; Pres., FoodServices Division: Bradley Alford; Pres., Chocolate & Confections Division: Frank Arthofer; Pres., Food Division: James Dintaman; Pres., Nutrition Division: Sam Lee; Pres., Beverage Division: Edward Marra; Pres., PetCare Division: Jon Mulhern

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Beverage Division, Chocolate & Confections Division, Food Division, FoodServices Division, Foreign Trade Division, Nutrition Division, PetCare Division, Sales Division

Brands: Nestle, Stouffer's, Carnation, Libby's, Ortega, Taster's Choice, Toll House, Friskies, ALPO 

16 Kellogg Co.
Address: One Kellogg Square,
Battle Creek, MI 49016-3599
Phone: (616) 961-2000
Fax: (616) 961-2871
Web site:
Executives: Chmn., Pres. and CEO: Arnold Langbo; Vice Chair: William Camstra; EVP, Pres., Kellogg North America: Thomas Knowlton; EVP, Services and Technology: Donald Thomason; EVP, Business Development: Carlos Gutierrez; CFO: John Hinton; SVP, Worldwide Operations and Technology: Michael Teale

Brands: Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, Raisin Bran, Froot Loops, Eggo, Lender's Bagels, Nutri-Grain, Pop-Tarts 

17 Tyson Foods Inc.
Address: 2210 W. Oaklawn Drive, Springdale, AR 72762-6999
Phone: (501) 290-4000
Fax: (501) 290-4061
Web site:
Executives: Senior Chmn.: Don Tyson; Chmn. and CEO: Leland Tollett; Vice Chmn.: John Tyson; Pres. and COO: Donald Wray; EVP, Operations, Transportation, Warehousing: David Purtle; CFO: Wayne Britt; SVP, Seafood Division: Roy Brown; SVP, International Sales, Marketing, Operations: William Kuckuck; SVP, Foodservice Sales and Marketing: Gerard Dowd

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Holly Hill Farms, Henry House Inc., Louis Kemp Seafood Co., Mexican Original Inc.

Brands: Holly Farms, Tastybird, Tyson, Weaver, Wing Stingers, W.W. Flyers, Mexican Original, Arctic Ice, Louis Kemp, Ocean Master 

18 Ralston Purina Co.
Address: Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, MO 63164
Phone: (314) 982-1000
Fax: (314) 982-2134
Web site:
Executives: Chmn., Pres. and CEO: William Stiritz; VP, Pres. and CEO, Pet Products Group: W. Patrick McGinnis; VP, CFO: James Elsesser; VP, CEO and Pres., Protein Technologies International Inc.: Jay W. Brown

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Pet Products Group, Protein Technologies International

Brands: Purina Dog Chow, Purina Cat Chow, Purina Puppy Chow, Tidy Cat 

19 The Pillsbury Co.
Address: 200 S. 6th St., Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone: 612/330-4966
Fax: 612/330-5200
Web site:
Executives: Chmn., CEO and Pres., Pillsbury: Paul W. Walsh; Pres., Pillsbury, North America: Richard Lenny; Pres., International: Lucio Rizzi; Pres., Foodservice: Paul Oliver; SVP, Technology: Jim Behnke; SVP, Operations: Thomas Debrowski

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Pillsbury North America, International, Foodservice

Brands: Pillsbury, Green Giant, Hungry Jack, Totino's, Progresso, Old El Paso, Haagen-Dazs 

20 General Mills Inc.
Address: Number One General Mills Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55426
Phone: (612) 540-2311
Fax: (612) 540-4925
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: Stephen Sanger; Pres.: Charles Gaillard; Vice Chmn.: Raymond Viault; SVP, Pres., Big G: Jeffrey Rotsch; VP, Pres., Snacks Unlimited: Peter Capell; VP, Pres., Yoplait-Colombo: Kendall Powell; VP, Pres., Betty Crocker: Christina Steiner Shea; SVP, Pres., Gold Medal: Jon Finley; SVP, Pres., Consumer Foods Sales and Distribution: Edward Bixby; VP, Pres., Foodservice: Robert Stretmater; SVP, Operations: Randy Darcy; SVP, Innovation and Technology: Stephen Garthwaite; SVP, Research and Development: Daniel Strickland

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Big G Division, Betty Crocker Division, Gold Meal Division, Snacks Unlimited Division, Yoplait-Colombo Division

Brands: Basic 4, Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Clusters, Cocoa Puffs, Crispy Wheats 'N Raisins, Fiber One, Golden Grahams, Kix, Lucky Charms, Total, Wheaties, Betty Crocker, Bisquick, Gold Medal, Bugles, Fruit Roll-Ups, Nature Valley, Pop Secret, Colombo, Yoplait 

21 Quaker Oats Co.
Address: Quaker Tower, 321 N. Clark St.,
Chicago, IL 60610-4714
Phone: (312) 222-7111
Fax: (312) 222-8532
Web site:
Executives: Chmn., Pres. and CEO: Robert Morrison; EVP, Worldwide Beverages: James Doyle; EVP, Quaker Foods: Douglas Mills; EVP, International Food Products: Barbara Allen; CFO: Robert Thomason

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Golden Grain Division, Cereals Division, Convenience Foods Division, Gatorade Worldwide

Brands: Quaker, Life, Cap'n Crunch, Aunt Jemima, Gatorade, Near East, Rice-A-Roni 

22 Procter & Gamble Co.
Address: One Procter & Gamble Plaza,
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: (513) 983-1100
Fax: (513) 983-9369
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: John Pepper; Pres. and COO: Durk Jager; SVP, Research and Development: Gordon Brunner; CFO: Erik Nelson; Group VP, Pres., Food and Beverage Products: Stephen Donovan Jr.; VP, Marketing: Robert Wehling

Brands: Crisco, Duncan Hines, Folgers, Hawaiian Punch, Jif, Pringles, Sunny Delight 

23 Mid-America Dairymen Inc.
Address: 3253 E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO 65802-2584
Phone: (417) 865-7100
Fax: (417) 865-1093
Executives: CEO: Gary Hanman; Pres.: Carl Baumann; VP, Accounting and Finance: Jerry Bos; VP, R&D and Quality Control: Larry Claypool; COO, Formulated Dairy Foods Group: Sam McCroskey; COO, Dairy Foods Group: Lonnie Spurgeon

Brands: Ruffles, Tostitos, Breakstone, Sport Shake, Starbucks Frappuccino, Enfamil, Sustacal 

24 Hershey Foods Corp.
Address: 11 Crystal A Drive, Hershey, PA 17033
Phone: (717) 534-6799
Fax: (717) 534-6760
Web site:
Executives: Chmn. and CEO: Kenneth Wolfe; Pres. and COO: Joseph Viviano; SVP and CFO: William Christ; Pres., Hershey Chocolate North America: Michael Pasquale; VC, Pres., Hershey Pasta and Grocery Group: Jay F. Carr; VP, Science and Technology: Barry Zoumas; VP, Research and Development: Charles Duncan; VP, Operations: Raymond Brace

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Hershey Chocolate North America, Hershey Pasta and Grocery Group, Hershey International

Brands: Hershey's, Cadbury's, Good & Plenty, Kit Kat, Milk Duds, Peter Paul, Reese's, Whoppers, Ronzoni, San Giorgio, Mrs. Weiss, American Beauty 

25 Smithfield Foods Inc.
Address: 999 Waterside Drive, Suite 900,
Norfolk, VA 23510
Phone: (757) 365-3000
Fax: (757) 365-3017
Web site:
Executives: CEO: Joseph Luter III; Pres. and COO: Lewis Little; VP, Secretary and Treasurer: Aaron Trub; Pres. and COO, Gwaltney of Smithfield Ltd.: Timothy Seely; Pres. and COO, John Morrell & Co.: Joseph Sebring; Pres. and COO, Patrick Cudahy Inc.: Roger Kapella; Pres. and COO, Lykes Meat Group Inc.: Larry Swafford; Pres., COO, Brown's of Carolina: Ronald Brown

Subsidiaries, Divisions: Smithfield Packing Co. Inc., Gwaltney of Smithfield Ltd., John Morrell & Co., Patrick Cudahy Inc., Lykes Meat Group Inc., Brown's of Carolina

Brands: Luter, Patrick Cudahy, Smithfield, John Morrell, Gwaltney, Lykes, Smithfield Lean Generation Pork 

copyright December 1997 Food Processing
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